Monday, December 1, 2008

Hey Girls,

Hope everyone is well. It was so good to see a handfull of you over Thanksgiving break. I am so sad that I don't think that I am going to be able to make it to the girls Christmas party this year!! But I will definitely be there for the cook off in a few weeks. Well, just wanted to say hey and post this picture of us at my rehearsal dinner. I love it! And I love y'all!


Monday, October 13, 2008


Just a question for the group to ponder and then vote...

Does 'Murf'dawg change to 'Heath'dawg now that Ms. Murphy is now Mrs. Heatherington?

Think about it... It should be a group decision.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I miss everyone!

Ok, man it has been a while. Lauren we missed you so much but I just want you to know that we thought about you with each picture we took. Hence, the paper plate with you name on it and Frasier's "L" she is holding up with her hand.

Gosh, I get so emotional at weddings. Even when I am working weddings and I don't even know the bride, I tear up. I would hate to see the video of Katie's wedding, because it got pretty bad when I was standing up there. Katie everything was so great and I miss you already. Hope you're having a good time on your honeymoon!

The Carolina Girl is keeping me busy! This picture is just one of the many great parties we host on board! We just started our online advertising campaign so leads are coming in like crazy now. Still can't believe I landed such a great job doing what I love. We will have to do a girl's cocktail night on the top deck sometime!

The day finally came and Gracie and I have moved out! I live with my cousin Emily and Walker. Things are going well and we are all having a good time. The location is so much better and more convenient for all of us.

Can we please start throwing around some dates for our Christmas party? How great would it be if all 13 of us could be there? That has not happened in so long. I miss you all so much!

Life Updates?

I also wanted to say i think we should work on the updates people... Lauren i didnt even know you were in Cali till i came home for the wedding.. we need some pics of what everyone is doing/ living.. ie what MC did with her Classroom pics!! Good job! Chamma i wanna see some pics of that boat!! D.Lo! Show me something spanish! ahah jk.... but for real! LOVE YOU GUYS!!


Katie Heatherington.....WOW!

Just wanted to say.. remember that time.. KATIE IS MARRIED!!!! What a great weekend.. I think its time to bring out some great stories and update this thing!!! I'll start.. Houshang was amazing.. Katie looked amazing.. it was so great to see everyone and hang out! All the bridesmaids were gorgeous and Exotica came out to play and float around on the floor like an angel from the island of tahiti.....We need to get some pics up too! Lauren we missed you terribly!!

ps- don't forget to sign what you say since it all ends up under one name.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Camille

Happy Birthday Camille! (a few days late...)

Just wanted to make sure that we all take a minute to honor our little Miss Chamma... I
thought a picture of Sugie and Diane was fitting for the occassion....

Feel free to post your favorite things about Camille as you think of them... Here are some of mine:

-- The eyebrow obsession, though it seems to have died down recently. It is something that makes me laugh that she doesn't even have to try to be funny at.

--Her more recent Gracie obsession, that involves Vera Bradley leashes, dog park visits, and pictures on facebook.

--Her big-girl job and corresponding woman wardrobe. That we can refer to her as "The Carolina Girl" and all know who is being spoken of.

And lots more... feel free to add your own!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Yo.  Yall would have been proud of me.  Ashton, my roomie got married on Saturday night at Boone  Hall.  It was hot as crap, but that did not stop me and my dizate (Wilkes..ahah) from gettin down.  It was awesome.  Everyone needs to start preparing their dance moves for murf's wedding.  I expect everyone to be on the floor gettin their groove on.  I vote for the weekend in november bc there is a wedding last weekend of oct.  Love yall,

Friday, September 5, 2008


Hey, this blog thing is such a great idea! It is so great to hear what and how everyone is doing. I hope we can have a little reunion/birthday celebration like we did last year around my birthday. Is anyone free like the first weekend in Nov. or last weekend in Oct. It would be great to go to Fras awesome lake house again. How awesome was it last year. Let me know...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where is Everyone?

Hey guys,

I think it might be easier if we post pics as part of our blog. Just click above to "Add Image". This way we can tell when one has been added without having to scroll to the bottom of the page.

I hope everyone is doing well. What do we need to do to get the rest of the Charleston Chicks on the blog? I know everyone is busy, but hopefully it will be something that will get going.

I have been busy with "The Carolina Girl". We have our first wedding coming up in a few weeks on my birthday. Oh well. I have picked up about 6 more weddings through the other company I work for. Needless to say...I won't have very many free weekends this fall.

I am pumped about Beth coming home this weekend, but sad I won't be able to make it to the river!

Love you all!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blog It Peeps!

Hey Remember that time that Camille created a blog for us and we were all suppose to add our picture and some fun stuff....???? Yeah...... Just wondering if everyone remembers that? Good times! Can't wait to see you guys in a few days!
-Beth... of course

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I have a confession

Ok, so I have come to the amazing realization that I am destinied to be in a musical....seriously if Mamma Mia Dos comes I am totally there...Sorry just thought yall should know.  Everone needs the Mamma Mia soudtrack by the way

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


So I'm trying to figure this out. My picture doesn't want to go where everyone elses is. Sorry for anything I messed up. I am going to try and upload some before pictures of my classroom. It looks pretty good and has come a long way in the past two days. Teachers start back for good tomorrow so say a little prayer for me as the craziness begins!


Hey guys,

I am here blogging from my new office (well let's be honest, it's a large closet really) at the Women's Center at the University of Virginia. Sorry you didn't know Holland! I moved here on Sunday, and started work yesterday. Monday was mostly orientation related-stuff like a tour of the college and such, so today is my real first day as a woman! (Camille, so far so good! I am wearing black pants and black flats... but my across the front purse gives my youth away).

All is well and halarious... My boss is awesome! Kind of hippie, but SO SO nice and really passionate about kids and equality and respecting diversity and such. I am quickly learning that that's one of the biggest problems here in Charlottesville. The neighborhoods are really segregated and the socio-economic gap is huge... basically there are some really rich people and some really poor people, and not a ton inbetween.

Well, I am now one of those inbetween people, and (even though I didn't know it) apparently will be living in one of the few semi-integrated neighborhoods. To say that I live "in the hood" is an exaggeration, but it is definitely the most diverse street I've ever lived on. There is a "corner store" about a block from my house that I can't wait to start buying diet cokes from. Picture downtown Charleston I guess, with old black men hanging outside all day. hah. It's gonna be great! Don't tell Shug yet though. You know how she'd be about that sort of thing. The area is called Belmont and is this typically low-income neighborhood where in the past few years young families, graduate students, and artsy folks have moved in and renovated houses. And 3 blocks away from me is its new downtown, which is only a coffeeshop and a few restaurants, but they are awesome! And I can walk there which is way cool. I live pretty much in downtown so I can almost bike or walk anywhere! I'm hoping that I won't drive to work, but will be able to ride or walk and then take the trolley.

But yeah, all is well, though I have definitely already had a few "no seriously, what the heck am I doing here?" moments. It is SO beautiful though. And my roommate is nice. And I made friends at UVA orientation with this real cool girl named Emily who is going to work in landscaping on campus. haha. She's all organic farming and stuff. And she's sort of my neighbhor, so hopefully we really will be friends!

Sorry for writing so much! But this is so cool! Will post pictures of my house and stuff when I can.

Hope all is well in MP, CO, and Columbia this week!
Love you all a ton.


Looks like its just the 5 of us...we will totally win the most dedicated award what is Logan's job gonna be??? guess i'm out of the loop!


You can call me kitty kat..

Ok so..i added a few things to spice this up a bit...the Cat thing, you might be wondering, is for you lauren (the cat lady) ;)


Camille, I think this is my favorite idea you've had for our little group :) Sooo fun! Since blogging has become a bit of a social phenomenon, it's only fitting that we should start one of our own. Maybe it'll be such a hit that people will start subscribing to it?!? Hahaha... I love you girls. Can't WAIT for the river.

And also, let's hear it for LOGAN who is making strides toward womanhood in the working world!!!! HIP HIP HOOORAYYY... HIP HIP HOOORAYYYY!!!!!


Awesomeness pt dos

ok so somehow i was logged in under Beth..woops. I left the comment below. I love yall and I have a feeling this is going to be freekin awesome. So anyways, I am on week #3 of staying at other peoples houses. It's getting a bit tiring and I think I am ready to be back on the island. How is everyone? Get excited a wrote a few more pages of the book last night....

PS- I think we should choreograph and awesome dance routine for Katie's wedding..YES please!
I love you all.

Chamma Chamm

Good job on the bliznog!! I can't wait to come home and see everyone and go to the RIVER!!! This was a great idea and i hope we all participate. Miss you guys, see you soon!!



Hey guys. Actually I am going to take credit for the blog idea...only becasue all the married people I know have them and I thought it was a good idea. Camille, major props on gettin it going. You are my hero.
Welp Camille, you have yet again proved why you are the best Charleston Chick...always on top of things.

I think this is a great idea and I really hope it keeps us all connected!

Love you all,
Your favorite columbian, Holland

Monday, August 11, 2008

Starting a Blog!

So...since the newsletter never made it very far we are going to try something else! Due to popular requests we now have a Charleston Chicks blog! Hopefully this will make it easier for us to update each other and post pictures of what's happening. With everyone parting ways and staying busy, we have to have a way to keep in touch!

Make sure and put your name at the end of your posts so we know who it is coming from! Realize that other people will be reading our blog. Other people can link to our site through friends, etc. We can also all change the template and design of our blog.

I can't wait for it to get started! We will all be reunited and together again in less than two months! Yay for Murfdawg's wedding!
