Thursday, February 19, 2009

a little update

Hello my wonderful charleston chicks.

I figure it's about time to catch you all up with whats happening in my life, since i'm horrible at keeping in touch.

A few months ago, say late November, I found out about something called the world race. its a missions thing that travels to 11 countries over the span of a year. From the first second I heard about it I was completely overwhelmed. I immediately applied and now, a few months, later am committed to the trip.

I leave August 1st and will travel to the following places- Ireland, Romania, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Kenya, Uganda, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand. To say I am excited would be an understatement.

Of course a lot of prepartion goes into this trip. I have to quit my job, move out of my house, get millions of shots, pack my life into one bag, say goodbye to friends and family, and raise $14,000 in the meantime. It's a bit overwhelming when i think about it all at once like that. but it is right and i am pumped.

as part of the trip we have to blog. i just got mine set up, so check it out often, or just subscribe to it: .

Any way that you want to contribute, whether that be gear you would live to donate to me (large pack, tent, sleeping bag, head lamp, the list goes on), prayers, money, rich relatives addresses that want to give lots of money, etc....i am open.

I have no idea of any of this makes sense, writing from work probaby isnt the best idea since a million things are going on.

know that i love everyone of you so much. i would love to tell you more about this sometime.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Holla Holla!!! So excited for you!! Can't wait to get your support letter!! this sounds AMAZING!! and I can't wait to read your blog as you go!!